Praying Hands


Church of the Incarnation
75 N. Mason Street, Harrisonburg VA, 22802


Apr 28 2024


10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Sunday School: The Prayer Course

The Prayer Course will run from 10:45am – 12:15pm. Whether you feel like a “newbie” who often struggles to pray, or like a seasoned believer with prayerful habits deeply ingrained, please join us. This course will help us deepen our understanding and experience of prayer. We will offer this class on a recurring basis so that all adults and high schoolers will be able to go through the course.  Participants will want a Book of Common Prayer, 2019, which can be used on loan, or purchased, from the church.  The church expects to have well-discounted copies of the Prayer Book available.  For those who are interested,, sells different versions of the 2019 edition, some with larger print, or better binding, etc.

Register for this class.