Greetings from the Church of the Incarnation! We’re currently looking for a Senior Rector who can shepherd us as we continue to seek the glory of God and the good of the city through the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Check out our Parish Profile to learn more about us and the findings from our recent Congregational Survey, as well as information about our vision and values, ministries, history, and what we’re looking for in a new Senior Rector.

Rector Search Status

January 2025:

We’ve completed our on-site visits! Next up is “Bishop Interviews” (i.e., an intense, three-hour-long interview with our Bishop!) Then we start getting ready for on-site visits in Harrisonburg. We’re getting closer to the final stages! 

December 2024:

We completed our first-round Zoom interviews in November and have narrowed down our list of candidates. This month, we’ll be conducting second-round Zoom interviews, talking with references, and scheduling site visits. It’s a packed month, but we’re right on schedule! 

November 2024:

This month, we will be conducting Zoom interviews with our selected candidates. We hope to start scheduling church visits (to candidates’ home churches) for December and January! 

October 2024:

We’re still accepting new applicant submissions through the end of October. Then, starting the weekend of November 1-2,  things will really start to take off! The Committee will meet that weekend to decide which candidates to move forward with. We’ll schedule Zoom interviews for early-to-mid November. After the interviews, we’ll narrow down the list again and start scheduling on-site visits (at candidate home churches) for December and January. Please keep praying for us!

September 2024:

We completed our Parish Profile document and received Parish Council approval on August 30 (a few weeks ahead of schedule)! We’re now working on the “Advertise” stage. We’ve identified over a dozen organizations (including seminaries with Anglican tracks, etc.) where we can promote the position. We’re also exploring paid advertising opportunities.

Please help us by sharing the word with your own contacts!    

August 2024:

The Congregational Survey was a success! We achieved over 80% participation, which far exceeds the 50% standard. (Thank you to everyone who participated!) We were able to gather the information we need and have used it to build our Parish Profile (which includes the Rector Profile). On August 19, we sent the Parish Profile draft to the Parish Council to being their review. After we receive their approval, we can start the “Advertise” stage!

July 2024:

We have officially moved into the “Prepare Parish Profile” stage of our process. This is the stage in which we gather information about our congregation, so we can paint a well-rounded picture of who we are today.

This picture will help us identify which characteristics are most important in our new rector—and it will also help potential candidates quickly identify whether they should apply.

As part of this process, we’ll conduct a congregational survey. Church members and attendees will receive a link to the survey via the church newsletter in mid-July.

Search committee

As a temporary committee of the Parish Council, the Rector Search Committee is responsible for seeking, evaluating, and recommending candidates for the church’s Rector position.

  • Nell-Marie Colman, Chair
  • Bob Brown
  • Sharon Dilling
  • Deanna Kozel
  • Russell Leary
  • Josh Lowe

Prayer Team

Prayer is a key component of this whole process. (The Lord acts differently when we pray!) Thank you to everyone who has signed up to pray! If you’d like to be added to the email updates list, please contact us at

Frequently asked questions

How long will the search process take?

It typically takes a church 12 – 15 months to prepare, advertise, screen, interview, and make a final offer. We hope to successfully find a new rector and have them join us by the summer of 2025.

How can I provide input or feedback during the search process?

You can also reach out to the Search Committee members directly at any time, or you can email the committee at

How will the congregation be kept informed about the search process?

We’ll provide updates on this web page, during Sunday morning announcements, and through the church newsletter.

How will the final decision be made?

The Search Committee will make its recommendation to the Parish Council, who will then make the final decision.