Event Image: Bishop Andudu


Church of the Incarnation
75 N. Mason Street, Harrisonburg VA, 22802


Oct 10 2023


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Q&A with Bishop Andudu: Update on the Nuba Mountains

You are invited to attend a Q&A session with our own Bishop Andudu to hear about Incarnation’s work in Sudan’s Nuba Mts. Along with Pax Dei for Nuba Board Members, Bishop Andudu will give some history about the Nuba people, the current political situation there, and how God is blessing our work there. Come ready to be inspired by the faith of the Nuba people and to consider donating to this effort! Childcare (up to age 8) and food suitable for a light meal will be provided. Questions? Email Mike Deaton.